I had a great time at MWLUG. LUGs are a different beast than Lotusphere, because they are so much smaller there is much more interaction which is great! I also got to attend other sessions, which was personally really enlightening. Listening to consumers of the (mostly) great products we (IBM) produce give me as an IBMer a completely different perspective on things. Personally I learned that maybe my sessions are a little to technical for most people
This is why XPages is soooo successful, you don’t need a degree in computer science in order to build an excellent app using XPages. However if you do have that type of background you can really do some pretty cool stuff, which some of the speakers illustrated in their sessions. However we (IBM) need to make the barrier to entry for our app developers low, that way we get the most adoption. I plan on keeping this in mind, and working on refining our message on OpenSocial as we get closer to Lotusphere. We need to start working, maybe even in a hands on way, to get feedback from our existing app developers on how they want to use all the cool stuff OpenSocial provides, but to do that we need to make it easy for them to use it first.