I was having a conversation with Mikkel today, and he told me he was taking a trip to AusLug this year to do a few sessions on plugin development/OSGi and possibly an all day type of session.  A light bulb went off in my head and I thought it would be a great idea to do a “hack day” or hackathon type of thing at Lotusphere this year, even if it’s something unofficial, where we just get a decent size room where people can come and hack.  Besides, developers love nothing better than a good hacking session :) It could be really specific, or we could make it really broad and have a more general IBM Collaboration Solutions Hackathon where we have experts inside and outside IBM to help you get started, tackle a difficult problem you have been having, or just collaborate on an interesting idea you have.  We can tackle topics with plugin development, XPages, Domino apps, web development, etc.  What do people think?  I would be happy to help organize something if we can get enough interest.  Please leave a comment if your interested and retweet/repost to spread the word.

Ryan J Baxter

Husband, Father, Software Engineer